Leave Regular Radio Behind

See Brand X at The Cohoes Music Hall


Thursday, November 29th
The Cohoes Music Hall

Funk-Rock-Fusion Legions BRAND X  are well-known for their dynamic and energetic live shows. Anyone who has seen them at Sellerville in the past, has a story or two to tell.  In some circles they may be best known for being "Phil Collins' other band besides Genesis" for many musicians and those who simply know the music, there is no one quite like Brand X.  Founding members John Goodsall (Guitars) and Percy Jones (Bass) keep the Brand X tradition alive with a band that many are claiming as "The best live Brand X ever."  If you feel that way, you're not alone, as members of YES, Dream Theater, Kansas, The Dixie Dregs, Metallica and many others have come out of the woodwork to see Brand X live -- and rave about their live show. 

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