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Spontaneous Respiration: 'Consuming and Communicating'

Spontaneous Respiration
Spontaneous Respiration

Ben Marcus coordinates layers of recorded improvisation, electronics, and effects performed by other musicians and himself under the name Spontaneous Respiration. Where at one time he was busy playing all of the instruments, he currently works as more of a composer, programmer, and producer operating with a number of musicians and artists.

His album Last Layer of Analysis focuses on building tension and reaching passionate and sometimes overwhelming outbursts. His music seems to function opposite of minimalism. It combines intricate cut-up and rearranged instrumentation with the rich, graceful tones of classically trained harpists and pianists. The vocals are used in moderation usually for frantic moments of screaming intensity. Pieces of ambient noise also add a peculiar touch to the album. Although 20 collaborators played over 30 instruments on the album, the sound manages to maintain a well organized, yet organic feel.

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