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Machine Go Boom '800 lb. Gorilla'

Machine Go Boom
Machine Go Boom

Cleveland's Machine Go Boom pounds out high-energy, upbeat pop. Led by singer and guitarist Mikey Machine, the band delivers youthful power pop energy with guitars on overdrive and hyperactive percussion.

Machine Go Boom's latest album, Music for Parents, offers 16 tracks that range from fast punk to well-arranged folk ballads. On the hard hitting "Gentleman's Reply", Mikey begins with a '70s sounding guitar riff that explodes into loud punk. The one minute song "Quarantined" sounds like it was recorded at normal speed, then sped up to cram it all into 60 seconds.

On "M.I.A." the band switches gears, using unconventional percussion sounds and vintage organ. The featured track, "800 LB Gorilla" slows everything down with smooth harmonies, showing the band's range.

Though the title is Music for Parents, the album's playful moods make it easy for everyone to enjoy.

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