Nearly 40 years into their career, The Flaming Lips remain remarkably ageless and endlessly creative. They return this week with another heady, psychedelic pop record inspired by a surreal art installation by frontman Wayne Coyne. On this week's New Music Friday, we climb inside the band's kaleidoscopic new record, The King's Mouth.Also on the show: the powerful pop voice of Freya Riding, Tony Molina's fuzzy 15-song collection Songs From San Mateo County(which clocks in at roughly 15-minutes), social satire from the duo IDER, Houston rapper Maxo Kream's RCA label debut and more. NPR's Lars Gotrich, Sidney Madden, Ann Powers, and Stephen Thompson join host Robin Hilton to share their picks for the best new albums out on July 19.
Featured Albums:
Featured Song: "Holy Water"
Featured Song: "Not the Way to Be"
Featured Song: "Busy Being A Rock Star"
Featured Songs: "Brothers" and "Bissonet"
Featured Songs: "How Many Times" and "Giant Baby"
Featured Song: "Wild Heart"
Featured Song: "Get to Know a Nina Simone Song"
Featured Songs: "Butcher of the World" and "May Failure Be Your Noose"
Other notable releases for July 19:Beyoncé - Lion King: The Gift; Jacob Collier - Djesse IIs; Generationals - Reader as Detective; The Quiet Temple - The Quiet Temple;Saul Williams - Encrypted & Vulnerable;Sum41 - Order in Decline.
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