World renowned rock guitarist Gary Hoey was recently in town playing a show and dropped by WEXT. Armed with only a Line 6 Pocket POD and his legendary Fender Stratocaster, he gloriously hammered out songs from his 21st album.
“Neon Highway Blues”, Gary’s latest release, carries its 11 tracks with the confidence and assuredness of a veteran, and the freshness of someone who’s still in the process of discovery and refinement — with the help of famous friends such as Eric Gales, Lance Lopez, Josh Smith and Hoey’s 17-year-old son Ian Hoey.
Whether he’s playing scorching originals or classic rock covers, his solos are thrilling and reminiscent of Clapton or Stevie Ray in their fiery youth. One thing that remains consistent is Hoey’s impassioned command of the guitar. He can attack his instrument with feral intensity and then play something very soft and achingly beautiful. This ability to mix feeling, phrasing, technique and tone is the true mark of a master guitarist.","_id":"00000175-40e9-dc5e-a1ff-d6ef41470001","_type":"035d81d3-5be2-3ed2-bc8a-6da208e0d9e2"}">","_id":"00000175-40e9-dc5e-a1ff-d6ef41470000","_type":"035d81d3-5be2-3ed2-bc8a-6da208e0d9e2"}">","_id":"00000175-40e9-dc5e-a1ff-d6ef41470001","_type":"035d81d3-5be2-3ed2-bc8a-6da208e0d9e2"}">" class="ytp-share-panel-link ytp-no-contextmenu" href="","_id":"00000175-40e9-dc5e-a1ff-d6ef41470001","_type":"035d81d3-5be2-3ed2-bc8a-6da208e0d9e2"}">","_id":"00000175-40e9-dc5e-a1ff-d6ef41470000","_type":"035d81d3-5be2-3ed2-bc8a-6da208e0d9e2"}">","_id":"00000175-40e9-dc5e-a1ff-d6ef41470001","_type":"035d81d3-5be2-3ed2-bc8a-6da208e0d9e2"}">" style="display: inline !important; height: 28px; margin-top: 18px; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 23.98px; letter-spacing: 1px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; outline: 0px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); transition: color 0.1s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1) 0s; font-family: "YouTube Noto", Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: center; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);" target="_blank">","_id":"00000175-40e9-dc5e-a1ff-d6ef41470001","_type":"035d81d3-5be2-3ed2-bc8a-6da208e0d9e2"}">","_id":"00000175-40e9-dc5e-a1ff-d6ef41470000","_type":"035d81d3-5be2-3ed2-bc8a-6da208e0d9e2"}">","_id":"00000175-40e9-dc5e-a1ff-d6ef41470001","_type":"035d81d3-5be2-3ed2-bc8a-6da208e0d9e2"}">