Miss Courtney spins kid friendly music that won't make adults cringe when they hear it. It's great rock and roll with a twist - a little fun thrown in. Regular features include: the Moldie Oldie of the Week, Play-It-Again Play-It-Again, the PBJ Birthday Club, Sweet Dreams Lullaby, and more.
Each week, we offer kids (of all ages) the chance to have a shout out for their birthday. If you have, or your child has a birthday coming up, give a little advanced warning, and send in some thoughts we can share with listeners in our Birthday Club shout out. We like to say your child's first name, and what they love to do, or eat, or if they hang out with friends or cousins, or... Just something fun for kids to hear their names on the radio.
To join the Peanut Butter Jam Birthday Club, send email with details.