Leave Regular Radio Behind

International Women's Day: Women Rock!


March 8th is International Women's Day. March is Women's History Month. 

In every facet of society, women's voices need to be heard loud and clear. For far too long, our society has been dominated by the voices of men. We have paid close attention to this, particularly when it comes to music radio, both rock and country seem to have diminished the voice of women. Even our regular programming features women artists, but on IWD, it’s only the women.

IWD was created to help nations end discrimination against women. It was also to help women gain full and equal participation in global development

Our celebration is designed to showcase our amazing women DJ's and the music of the women artists we love. From 10am until 11pm, join Eva (10a-3p), Tabitha (3-8p) and Kelly of Hangin' & Sangin' (8-11p) for a great collection of songs from some of the women singers and women fronted bands we admire. 

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This radio station started on July 7, 2007, and has been funded by awesome listeners since then. Thank you!