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Watch NSFW Fruit And Vegetables In PILL's Video For 'Hot Glue'

ADVISORY:This video contains implicitly sexual imagery.

Fronted by vocalist Veronica Torres' uninhibited force of paranoia, PILL makes spazzy, sax-sputtering post-punk that invokes the gritty noise that came out of early '80s NYC. How you feel about the video for PILL's dreamy and unnerving "Hot Glue" depends on how you feel about pointy press-on nails, phallic produce and pills.

The brightly colored visuals by LAZY MOM (the duo of New York-based artists Josie Keefe and Phyllis Ma) while technically chaste, may provoke a quizzical look from anybody who happens to walk by your screen, so keep that in mind before you hit play.

PILL's single, "Hot Glue" b/w "A.I.Y.M.?", is out now on Mexican Summer.

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